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Trusted by the water and energy industries for more than 20 years Utility Week has been the recognised industry authority for more than 20 years, firstly through Utility Week Magazine, and now through additional digital platforms, conferences, exhibitions and awards events.

Dedicated to the business of utilities, Utility Week is uniquely placed to meet the industry’s news, knowledge and networking needs. First to break the major news stories… the only people to provide an informed, independent interpretation to help make sense of them. The award-winning Utility Week brand portfolio includes digital platforms - bringing you the latest news from early in the morning throughout the day, a long standing weekly print magazine, Utility Week Intelligence: the platform for data, research and in-depth analysis, plus a suite of events including the renowned Utility Industry Achievement Awards, specialist conferences and roundtables, and now the leading exhibition for the water and energy industries Utility Week Live incorporating IWEX.

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